Thirty years of research has been invested in developing this technology.The quest was to determine the moment
of human action. By moment, we mean when we do something, as opposed to why we do something
.Fundamental analysis has always failed because it could be a "long" time before the "situation" is recognized.
Investments could wait many months, or years, before a reward is generated. This assumes that you were right! Needless to
say, you are going to be wrong many times. We rejected this approach to investments as unscientific at best, and
probably futile over the long run.
Studies have shown the long run rate of return of equities to be 5.2 percent.This was based on an analysis covering
the past 200 years The study ignores the taxation of dividends and capital gains, so the return is vastly overstated.
Another problem is currency devaluation, or inflation.The US dollar has been devalued by 78 percent since 1971. Most
gains are illusions created by the depreciating currency.
These same studies also failed to reveal that there are many profitless periods that occur over the
long run. Additionally, these studies also downplay the periods of extreme equity shrinkage due to economic contractions.We
were unimpressed by this type of approach, and choose to develop a new basis for decision making.
We slowly narrowed our focus until the key determinant was located. The techniques have been perfected over ten
years to determine the points of excitability that are forecastable.We have also determined those investments that
are the most sensitive to these points.
We offer three service levels at this time. The first service is the BoomBust Cycle Point Predictor. This gives
you the When! The expanded services offer both the What and the When! Prices are supplied upon request.