"Summertime and the living is easy". The heat is back, and the humidity is up. The barbecue has been cleaned, and
the pool is refurbished. Vacation bound friends say good-bye, and the beach gear is kept near. This year we have a double
drag on our energies. The markets are doing the trading range game. The slowdown of activity demanded by nature is a restful
time. However, there are those among us who need a little more stimulus, and the summer slowdown is a drag on their psyche.
The markets provide the addtional stimulus for them
The summer trading range is a treacherous time for these individuals. Activity gets so slow by mid-August that these traders
are ready to explode. Their attention shifts to the markets for the stimulation they require. This trading range market thwarts
their profit desires. The weather gets hotter, nature gets slower, and the markets get tighter. Desperate for an outlet to
release their energies, they come closer to the markets. Soon they begin to check intra day quotes. The media presents the
latest winners of the hour. CBS MarketWatch shows potential profits everywhere. The Street.com pitches tomorrow's biggest
hits. The shoulda’s, coulda’s, and woulda’s overwhelm these traders.
The fills get worse as the liquidity declines. Unless the quotes are in real time, they become meaningless. Our aggressive
investors pay more money to get real time feed, believing that this will help them to meet their wants. Day trading software
ads are now noticed, as these traders become more driven. The ubiquitous black box enters their life, and their equity statements
go into decline. The monitor is on all day, lest our budding Livermores miss a trade. The losses mount, but in a very small
way. The commission bills are small, like the house percentages in Las Vegas. System players are adored, fed, and catered
to in every way. Airfare, rooms, and meals are always free. Only later do you realize that your wealth is history. Did you
really think the trades were for nothing, and the profits were free? You have trading confused with listening to Dire Straights.
Trading is not like playing guitar on the MTV. The debits are not for nothing and the bankruptcy is not free! In trading you
either right or history
The insiders paint their pictures for all to see. They know your greed will reveal you under pressure. These people paid
a fortune in blood, and money to learn their trade. Do you really believe that you could beat professionals at their game?
The floor traders are in charge from the opening up until the close. Your stops are routinely faded. Do you really believe
that the floor brokers are ignorant of your price stops? They know exactly what will happen when certain price levels get
Your day trading black box system is their greatest ally. Let’s assume that someone sold you a system to play championship
baseball, and you lost playing the New York Yankees. What a surprise! Would you really believe the salesperson when they claim
that the Yankees cheated?
The brokers sell the tickets for the ride. Their job is to maintain the equipment and keep the amusement park customers
happy. They do a great job, and are far more honest than many of their customers. They even provide you with free quotes.
You bought your ticket and got your ride. If the truth be known, you received a lot for your money. You are the one who wants
to ride a trading range. Your greed betrays you again. The broker only rings the dinner bell. What you eat, and when you eat
is your choice. Professionals play the trend. Trade with the trend, or shame on you. There are no victims here!
Once you have lost most of your money, and worn yourself out emotionally, the markets will trend. Anger and frustration
will do you no good. The market is just doing its job. That’s why it’s called the trading range blues. When the
markets begin to trend again, you will waste the greater part of that move just breaking even. You really should avoid the
trading range blues. Save your energy and money to do more productive things. A good plan would be to do your research when
things get very quiet. This will leave you rested and ready when the markets begin to trend again.
Reminiscences Of A Stock Operator by Edwin Lefevre is a good place to start learning. This book is a thinly veiled description
of the life of J.L.Livermore.You will find this book invaluable for the insights offered. Financial web sites offer many articles
that teach or refer to other valuable articles. Those with an interest in the precious metals will find a wealth of information,
suggested links, and quotes on the metals web sites. The precious metals web sites also offer the largest amount of material
on trading. Some even provide 24/7 cash gold prices. There are good advisors available, and they can be found by reading the
articles posted on these web sites.
Wayne N. Krautkramer onlypill@cox.net