The Bellowing Wildebeest Review is being created to provide subscribers with the current activities and the curious behavior
of the majority of the citizens found on the investment range, the Serengeti.
Yes, I realize that you are conditioned to read about bulls and bears. However, any competent zoologist would tell
you that bulls are rocket scientists compared to wildebeest.Wildebeest are walking meat markets for predators. Their only
capabilities appear to be eating and breeding at a high enough rate to keep the meat counter full.
Here we shall find our meat (the"average" investor). Neurotic, paranoid, and incapable of conceiving and executing a disciplined
strategy. Zoologists define them as a superherd. I define them as the market for mutual funds, casino gambling, and politicians.
Lions are carnivores, bears are omnivores. Lions are aggressive, cunning, and predatory. Bears are not predatory, generally
peaceful, and far more interested in a good snack and a nap then they are in chasing a bull.
I believe that a good case can be made that predatory carnivores are the natural check on wildebeest.Without predators,
the world would be overrun with wildebeest, consuming all the resources, fouling all the water, and usually making too much
noise with that incessant bellowing. The markets are our version of the Serengeti.
This is the basis of the Bellowing Wildebeest Review. Emailed to you monthly to guarantee that you see what’s new
in the Bellowing Wildebeest Review.
Wayne N. Krautkramer