Basic BOOMBUST Package
Gold BOOMBUST Package
Platinum BOOMBUST Package
THE TRENDTRACKER (Copyright 2006)
THE LOONIE WATCHER (Copyright 2006) is the first of our new additions to our
product line!
THE BLACK GOLD WATCHER (Copyright 2006) is the second of our new additions to our product line.
MIDAS SAYS! (Copyright 2006) is finally here! You have asked for a GOLD service for a long
time. Here is the MIDAS SAYS! (Copyright 2006)
The basic BOOMBUST Package provides the following services:
The BOOMBUST Cycle Point Predictor
This provides all the key pressure points indicating the Maxima and Minima of emotional energy. Forecasts
are issued on a monthly frequency. This service level will meet the needs of the professional money manager, or trader.
The Gold BOOMBUST service level provides the necessary information for those who need assistance in applying
the key psychological points for Gold, Crude Oil, and currencies.
The Platinum BOOMBUST service level provides the necessary information to those who need assistance in applying
the key psychological points for gold, crude oil, currencies, and Asian stocks. The major Chinese and Indian stocks that are
listed on a US Exchanges are covered. The Platnium service will also advise on the other commodities that are active and have
a strong correspondence with the BOOMBUST Cycle Point Predictor.
THE TRENDTRACKER (Copyright 2006) provides our clients with the INTERMEDIATE Trend for the Commodities that we analyze. The trend of the US Stock Market is also covered.
This is no- nonsense report that is light on talk, and heavy at giving you the the information
you need to make good decisions in the markets.
THE LOONIE WATCHER (Copyright 2006) provides our clients with the
up to date information they need to hedge and trade the CANADIAN Dollar,
and the US DOLLAR! This service gives the client simple buy, sell, or wait instructions based on the "unique" BOOMBUST CYCLE POINT PREDICTOR! (Copyright
THE BLACK GOLD WATCHER (Copyright 2006) provides our clients
with the up to date information they need to hedge and trade CRUDE
OIL! This service gives the client simple
buy, sell, or wait instructions based on the "unique" BOOMBUST CYCLE POINT PREDICTOR! (Copyright 2006).
The MIDAS SAYS! (Copyright 2006) provides serious gold investors/traders with the instructions they
must have to "prosper" in the gold market. Driven by the BoomBust Cycle Technology,
and verified by our ability to square time and price, we offer a service that avoids many
"surprises" and senses all "meaningful" changes in momentum!
The BOOMBUST Cycle Point Predictor Fee Schedule
Basic BOOMBUST Cycle Point Predictor $300 for a six month subccription
Gold BOOMBUST Package $400 for a six month subscription
Platinum BOOMBUST Package $450 for a six month subscription
The TRENDTRACKER (copyright 2006) is $20/month for a
Quarterly Subscription.
Clients are automatically billed $60 at the beginning of each new quarter.
THE LOONIE WATCHER (copyright 2006) is $41.67USD/month for a six month subscription.
Clients are automatically billed $250USD at the beginning of each new six month cycle.
THE BLACK GOLD WATCHER (copyright 2006) is 41.67USD/month for a one year subscription.
Clients are atutomatically billed $500.00USD at the beginning of each new yearly cycle!
The MIDAS SAYS! (Copyright 2006) is $41.67USD/month for a six
month subscription.
Clients are automatically billed at the beginning of each new cycle!
This schedule is effective 1/01/2006