THE TRENDTRACKER copyright 2005 is the latest addition to our product line.
This product is a result of support services offered to the clients of the BoomBust Cycle Point Predictor copyright
We found our traders were uncertain as to the "Real" trend when trying to place trades.
Because "trading with the trend" is a must do for long term success, we developed this tool
to assist our clients in trade placement.
There are three trends that exist at all times
There is the Minor trend!
There is the Intermediate trend!
There is the Major trend!
The Minor trend is defined as the trend that bounces around on a daily basis! Its significance
is minor to none.
The Intermediate trend has great significance. This trend is involved with the big corrections
(wipeouts) which causes many false moves for trend following systems. This trend can lead to the change in the
Major trend.This trend must be respected at all times for those who wish to avoid financial disasters!.
The Major trend is simply the laws of supply and demand making their statements.The Major
trend shows how the real world values things.
Don’t get suckered by false moves!
THE TRENDTRACKER copyright 2005 will keep you in the market for the Real Moves.
The Big Money is made by riding the Big Swing.
THE TRENDTRACKER copyright 2005 tells you when the Big Moves begin and end.
Order now
to catch the coming big moves in the Stock and Commodities Markets.
Only $20.00 per month,billed quarterly. Issued bi monthly!
Order right now
to prevent you from missing a
Big Profit Swing!
Your subscription is risk-free. Try it for 30 days: if you don't like it, we'll instantly refund your subscription
For your convenience, will bill automatically
quarterly billing thereafter.
Don’t delay. Opportunity waits for no one.