THE LOONIE The Bulls have won the battle as of today’s close (4/06/2006). The Bears now have to cover their positions. Crude Oil has bailed the Loonie out of it’s downtrend! Trading ranges are always dangerous, as the time cycles can and do "square in time" in those "quiet" periods.
THE $USD The $USD continues its downtrend! Today’s closing price proved that the $USD is not attracting buyers pressure. The $USD’s weakness may be reflecting the explosion of the spending for the This phenomenon is incorporated into the The subscribers to SUMMARY What a difference a trading range can make! The Loonie was just sitting in it’s "on the side" line,
letting the bear time cycle run out of time. No market can fight its time cycle! When time is up, markets won’t turn down! When time is down, markets won’t tuen up! The Loonie time cycle has turned bull! The $USD is working out its Bear market time cycle! Stay tuned to Price quotes and charts to help in using this report may be found at the following links: This list includes both Stock and Commodity chart sources! . Wayne N. Krautkramer onlypill@cox.net Pitagoras Internacional SA will not be liable for any liability, loss or damage directly or indirectly caused, or believed
to be caused, by THE LOONIE WATCHER (copyright 2006) |
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by luck, but by |